There are no secrets, and there is no such thing as luck. Put simply: Tyler Perry has a formula, and has stuck to it in everything he does.
Like in science, a particular formula yields a particular result. If there is one drop too much or too little, there will be a different outcome and a completely different product or chemical mixture. It can mean the difference between creating a solid and a liquid.
Formulas in business don’t work much differently from formulas in science. When you find something that yields a particular result, desired or undesired, you either stick with it, or swiftly depart from it. Perry has found a formula that works.
His formula (Comedy + Family Values + Morals = Revenue) has yielded him years and years of success, with millions of fans worldwide.
What is the formula for your company? Or do you even have a formula?
Finding the right formula for your company can yield positive financial results. Know your audience. Know who it is that will be utilizing your product or service, and find out what they want and how. Once you discover that need, you fill it - and keep filling it.
The process of filling the need can be done in various ways. Find out what these ways are, and exploit them in every way possible. Be creative and innovative. Reinvent the wheel if you have to.
The right formula will transform your business into an invaluable product or service that your customers can not do without.
So find what works, and don't ever deviate from what keeps you in business. Tyler Perry knows this well. If he ever changes the format and content of his productions, his success will be over.
Yes, liquid and can easily turn to solid.
Great point, having a formula and systems to implement the formula makes for a successful business