Utilize services such as Jigsaw.com, SalesGenie.com, or even YellowPages.com to find your prospects.
Once you have identified one, cold call them or send them promotional material through the mail. Remember that people generally don't mind a sales pitch, as long as its relevant to what they do.
Don't be intimidated by size either. Big fortune 500 companies (like Coca-Cola, Verizon, and Marriott) do business with smaller companies all the time. Most of them even have supplier diversity programs, whereas they allocate a certain amount of contracts to minority companies. This is where you fit in, so don't hesitate to reach out to them.
Stop making excuses; the opportunities are out there. You just have to go after them relentlessly. Get on the phone and start making contacts. In the words of Tommy Lasorda, "The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a man's determination."
You have two options in business: you can either win or lose. So, play to win!
ReplyDeleteYou have no idea how proud Iam of your accomplishmnets. You have no idea how much you are writimng history every single day. You have no idea how much you have dispelled the myth of the young black man in jail or holding corner!
You have no idea how much you are a true model example for young brothers in particular to emulate.
You accompliahments are also a result of close family ties and encouragement and examples- I don't have to be told !
Keep it going young man !!! By the way - are you a memebr of a greek letter organization / Have you ever made it to NYC?
Douglas Clarke