Ok, so you think that every business idea out there has been done. You’ve looked through the phone book, online, and more. Everywhere you seek, someone is doing something you didn’t think about.
What you may not realize, however, is that some of the best business ideas won’t come from the Yellow Pages or the internet. You know why? Because no one has thought of it yet, so it won’t be found there.
Walk around your neighborhood, and take a slow and deliberate walk through your home. You could very well discover a new business idea by hanging out at the mall, or visiting a local bookstore. Maybe sitting in the park, or taking a stroll through the woods might unearth something you never imagined possible. Even simply cleaning out your closet might bring to mind something needed by women and men to assist them in their home.
Sometimes we feel that the competition is too great with many of the already existing businesses, but unique opportunities are all around you. It may seem challenging at first to find something no one else is doing, but don’t be daunted. The universe has a wealth of ideas at our disposal. No one can think of everything!
Take your time, dig deep and let an idea come to you. Use your surroundings to your advantage, and eventually, something you never imagined might surface. You might be surprised to discover that those pesky little dandelions that we consider weeds, are used for something very important today. Let your imagination run wild. A new business venture could be on the horizon!
While reading the daily blog an idea came to my mind. It was one that I had about 4 years ago. I'm having a hard time finding which direction to go.