My business partner, Will Moss, has built a unique tool that allows people to create their own social network for free. It's called Connect Platform (
www.connectplatform.com), and the same technology is being used to power some of our sites including HBCUconnect.com, BlackHistory.com, BlackWomenConnect.com, and others.
The service is designed for individuals, businesses, groups and organizations who want to create their own interactive online communities. The concept is perfect for celebrities, authors, speakers, etc. It also works great for organizations like the NAACP or the Urban League, or even church groups and family reunions.
You may wonder why its a good idea to create your own social network, when sites like Facebook and LinkedIn already exist. Here are 5 goods reasons:
1) It's Your Own Community - Creating your very own social network allows you to build your own online community. It's good to be a part of other social networks, but it's also a plus to have one that is completely positioned around your brand.
2) It Creates Brand Loyalty - Having your own social network will heavily engage your customers or supporters. Social networks are interactive, encouraging people to visit your site more than just once.
3) You're In Control - Having a page on Facebook is great, but you are not really in control. Creating your own social network allows you to change the colors, add your logo, control the content, and more.
4) It Leaves An Impression - If you create an online community with powerful resources and relevant people to interact with, people will be impressed with you and will be more inclined to buy your products and services. Not only that, you'll be well-respected as the person who brought everybody together.
5) It's Free - Creating your own social network can be done within minutes, and it's 100% free. The only catch is that banner ads will appear on your site. For a modest fee, however, they can be removed.
For more details about how to create your own social network, visit