Business owners and entrepreneurs looking to better understand how to obtain business credit can now log on to The web site is a free comprehensive resource that features the best tips and guidelines on how to get access to business loans, business credit cards, and business lines of credit. Visitors are also educated about business credit reports.
Launched by the National Institute of Business Credit (NIBC), a virtual organization made up of global contributors and researchers, the site is very helpful for both aspiring and established business owners. It features well-written informative articles, descriptive how-to videos, exclusive listings of useful resources, and detailed comparison charts of options offered by different banks.
In a down economy, millions of entrepreneurs face roadblocks and challenges when opening new lines of credit and/or maintaining their existing ones. More than ever before, banks and credit card companies are closing accounts, minimizing their spending limits, and/or denying applications. Despite this, with the proper education, a business owner can survive and still have active revolving credit.
Visitors to the site will learn exactly what to do and what to avoid when applying for new credit, and how to effectively plead a case when credit is being taken away. There is no other resource online like this, and most of all - it's 100% free to use.
For more details, interested ones should visit the site directly at
I think it is very important to separate business credit from personal credit.
ReplyDeleteI think it is more important that people get the basics. Do you know the difference between good credit and bad credit? Do you know the difference between Good Debt and Bad Debt?
Business credit is about leveraging the Good debt and avoiding the bad debt to build wealth.
Elon Bomani