The Tom Joyner Morning Show, like most Black radio shows, will feature guests that have something relevant and unique to say. Although many of their guests are celebrities, they do feature entrepreneurs, speakers, authors, etc who can bring excitement to the show.
In addition to the Tom Joyner Morning Show, there are hundreds of other Black radio shows.
Here are some tips on how to be a guest:
1) Be controversial.
Positioning yourself as an expert who has insight on a controversial subject is always a good idea. Black radio shows will often discuss controversial topics such as health care, politics, race relations, obesity, romance, etc. Your goal should be to constantly send out newsworthy press releases and intriguing columns on these matters, so that when these matters need to be addressed on-air - you will get invited to join the discussion.
2) Be timely.
Throughout the year, there are many occasions when issues most relevant to African Americans are addressed on urban radio shows. For instance, there is Diabetes Awareness Month, Stroke Awareness Month, Black Family Technology Awareness Week, etc. If these are relevant to what you do, you should especially increase your PR efforts at least one month in advance.
3) Be consistent.
You have to brand yourself amongst journalists. The more they see you or hear about you, the more they consciously and subconsciously will remember you. Sending a press release or writing a column only once a year is a mistake. Doing so at least once a month automatically puts you ahead of many of your competitors. is the premier service for distributing press releases and columns to the African American media. The cost is only $150. For more details, call (866) 910-6277 or visit
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