Anytime you hear a claim like this, stay away. 99% of these guys are fraudulent, dishonest, and essentially scams! These companies typically prey on new-to-the-game entrepreneurs who are very gullible. They also prey on minority businesses with newly established web sites, knowing that many of them are anxious to get more traffic.
In most cases, they don't send you traffic at all. However sometimes they do send you traffic, but it will be completely untargeted. You may end up having 10,000 visitors who live in China visit your web site (only because they've been tricked). This does not help your business in any way!
If you want to utilize a legit traffic boosting service, my recommendation is to stick with Google Adwords, Yahoo Search Marketing, Microsoft Ad Center, and Adbrite.com - I have personally used all of these services.
Thanks for the insight. My husband and I are newly certified travel agents and have been bombarded with emails regarding attaining leads for our business. This info is much appreciated!!!