Monday, December 17, 2007

How To Be A Great Public Speaker

On Donald Trump's blog, he reveals a secret of public speaking. He says, "If you want to learn how to talk on your feet, know your subject inside out so that you will never have to hesitate or bluff because questions will not surprise or stump you. You'll know every answer, and each question will give you a great opportunity to show how good you are and how much you know."

This is a great piece of advise. Don't become a public speaker, if you can not talk on your feet. Reading a speech or an outline is fine, but if that's all you can do - you're in trouble. Public speakers, like comedians, must be prepared for anything.

Trump continues in his blog, "Master your subject and know it cold. Work at it, read about it and discuss it with others. Dedicate yourself to working at it every day. Anticipate the questions you will be asked and practice your answers to them."

This is so true. If you are speaking to an audience, they will assume that you have mastered the subject. After your speech, you can expect very intriguing questions - and they will be expecting intriguing answers. You will embarass yourself if you can't respond in an intelligent manner.

Trump concludes, "Follow the example of great athletes who always train and push themselves to their limits. Accomplished athletes have great discipline and businesspeople should too."

Yes, being an entrepreneur and/or public speaker requires discipline. You have tons of competitors; If you want to be the best, you have to work on it every day!

Here are some great resources for speakers or those interested in becoming speakers:,, and

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