One marketing professional once commented, "When you begin to formulate the type of marketing you will do, it involves the gathering of massive statistics. These stats, from validating a media buy to formulating the right message, graphics to the right audiences, are science at its best."
So what does this mean for entrepreneurs? Well, it means you should do two things when launching a marketing campaign:
1) Study or research your potential customers before you market to them. Do focus groups and conduct surveys to identify what customers think about products and services. Don't make any assumptions in marketing. For instance, don't conclude that just because there are a lot of kids in your neighborhood, that starting an ice cream store is ideal.
2) Experiment with different methods of marketing to consumers. Passing out flyers and business cards may or may not work for what you're promoting. However, you won't know if other avenues (newspaper ads, event sponsorship, postcard marketing, etc.) work, unless you try.
Just like any other science, marketing has no rules. There is plenty to be discovered. Push the boundaries, open new doors, and find what works for you! Think outside the box, and create another box if you have to.
I personally recommend www.MarketingProfs.com and www.DMnews.com as great marketing resources to subscribe to.
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