This means that you need to spend at least 50% of your time and money on marketing and promoting whatever it is that you do. Too often, Black entrepreneurs get into the habit of NOT self-promoting. This is the worst mistake to make in business.
In addition, remember that you want to market to NEW CUSTOMERS. There is nothing wrong with revisiting past clients to stimulate continuous business activity. However, new customers should constantly be flowing through your company.
Do more than just pass out flyers and business cards. You need to brainstorm and come up with clever and impressive ideas to market your company. Do something that no one else is doing. Reinvent the wheel. Be spontaneous, and be innovative.
Make it your goal to at least recruit one new customer each week. As time goes on, you can ease up to one new customer each day.
To give you the right perspective, think about this: Companies like Allstate and Verizon never stop running commercials on TV. In fact on any given day, you will see their advertisements on TV, in magazines, on billboards, and more. By doing this, they sign up thousands of new PAYING customers every single day of the year (including Sundays).
The conclusion is simple: If you want to generate more revenue, you have to invest constantly into your marketing initiatives. That's the secret!
I would go as far as to say you should spend 70% of your time marketing. Your primary purpose for being in business after all it to generate income. Income is created by selling and you can only sell to those who are aware of your existence.