Some of these include "Not stopping to think," "Not noticing," "Jumping to conclusions" and "Missing the big picture."
This makes me think of companies like Ford and Chrysler who built all those cars, when they knew they wouldn't be able to sell them. Or those financial executives at Washington Mutual and Wachovia who authorized all those subprime mortgage loans to families they knew couldn't afford the homes.
Or even those of us who invest a lot of money into our ideas without doing market research. Or those of us who fall victim to some service that guarantees results that we know are too good to be true.
In her book, Van Hecke reveals that EVERYONE HAS BLINDSPOTS and encourages people to embrace and understand their weaknesses to improve personal and professional relationships.
I haven't read the whole book yet, but so far its really good and it's getting a lot of five star reviews on Amazon.com. One person said that its "a good book for business groups, or anyone wishing they didn't stumble over their own forehead-smacking blunders."
I'd have to agree; It's a must read. Add this to your collection.