Why not implement these words into your marketing plan? If these words are designed to make the American people feel hopeful about the U.S. economy, imagine how it could make your customers feel about doing business with you.
For instance, I just launched a "PR Stimulus Package" theme (pictured above) to help promote my BlackPR.com service. The theme is displayed on the web site, was included in an email blast to our clients, and was on 5,000 postcards that we just mailed out. The concept is to encourage people to "stimulate" their PR efforts by using our service to distribute a press release to the Black media.
I played around with other phrases such as "PR Bailout" or even "PR Recovery", but felt that "PR Stimulus" had the best appeal.
Other companies from different industries can utilize that theme in a similar way. For example, if your company offers a credit repair service - you can launch a "Credit Bailout" or a "Credit Stimulus" campaign. Or if you own a restaurant, you can launch a "Taste Bud Stimulus" campaign.
Obviously, such themes won't work for every company. The point is to be creative, and try to be innovative with your marketing efforts. Consumers love to be marketed to in a fun, but relevant way.
Do let us know the results--you know, how many respond to the "stimulus" theme....